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The Gospel of God

Today's reading: Judges 2, Jeremiah 15, Mark 1, Acts 6.

Gospel summary: We all deserved God's unending wrath because we have forsaken the Lord in pursuit of idols; yet God has astoundingly shown us grace by sending his beloved Son Jesus to save us. Jesus came as God's good news and his death and resurrection are the good news we must now proclaim to this broken world.

Prayer: Father in heaven, you are worthy of my heartfelt worship every moment of my life. I deserve your judgment in hell and you've given me the greatest news of salvation in Jesus. You poured my deserved wrath on to Jesus instead of me, so I praise you. I often forget how good the good news is and live as though I don't have anything to proclaim. When I do sense the goodness of your gospel, I too often don't share it with others because of the fear of man. Thank you that you still put up with me and help me move forward in obedient proclamation. Help me to always stay humbled by your grace and to keep proclaiming his wonderful message to this lost and dying world. For the glory of Christ's name I pray, amen.

Key verses: "Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” -Mark 1:14-15 NASB

Hymn: "A Rock that Stands Forever" by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676)

A Rock that stands forever
Is Christ, my Righteousness!
In Him I stand un-fearing,
In everlasting bliss!
Christ is my boast and glory--
All wrath for me is o'er;
The judgment of the sinner
Affrighteth me no more.

There is no condemnation,
There is no hell for me!
The torment and the fire--
My eyes shall never see!
For me there is no sentence,
For me there is no sting,
For Christ, my Lord, who saved me,
Will shield me with His wing!

No hunger, Lord, nor thirsting,
No danger, fear, nor fight,
No foe, no tribulation,
No throne, nor pow'r, nor might,
No height, no depth, no creature
That has been or can be.
Can pluck me from Thy bosom--
Can sever me from Thee!

My heart in joy upleapeth--
Grief cannot linger there!
O Jesus, Lord in glory,
Thou art my sunshine fair!
The Source of all my singing
Is Jesus there above,
The Sun that shines upon me
Is Jesus and His Love!


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