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Showing posts from 2006

My God Made the Stars and Planets

So I was just chilling at the house and decided to walk outside and look up at the stars that my Maker made out of nothing. I played some music for my King with my guitar to enjoy and praised His holy name for saving me from Hell for all of eternity and for being the great God He was and is and is to come. As I looked up at all the lights that shine down from outside of our atmosphere I focused in on one star. Or so I thought was a star. I then remembered back when I was a kid in school learning that if a star twinkles, then it is a planet. I noticed that when this one twinkled, it was red in color so it could've been Mars. I then started looking around at all the other ones that twinkled and was amazed at how many I noticed. I wonder how many stars and planets you can see from those planets....and from those....and from those.....etc. So God is huge right? I mean if the closest star is several light years away and light travels at around 186,000 miles per second. Yeah, G...

What Happens When You Die?

Ok, so your gonna die right? Right. And You don't know when right? Right. So do you ever think about it? I mean REALLY think about it? Cus if this life is this short in light of how long you'll be dead, don't ya think its kinda important to think about it while your here? Right. Lets think about this just for a few moments.....You've got: The Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon, Vedas, Watchtower Society Bible, and all the other religious books which discuss what happens after death right? Ok, and did you know that the Bible is the only one that clearly explains why mankind needs a savior and its the only one with so much evidence to point to its validity and reliability? Also, lets take a quick look at Jesus. Most of these books talk about Him. The question is: what was He? God in the flesh? good man? good prophet? lunatic? flat out liar? Did you know that there is more evidence to prove that Jesus was alive and performed miracles (nonbelievers called these miraculous Satanic...

How to Turn an Atheist into an Agnostic in minutes

The term atheist means someone who denies the existence of God, whereas the term agnostic means that person holds the theory that God is unknown or unknowable. When you share with an atheist, think logically. Ask them if when they see a painting they know there is a painter, when they see a building they know there is a builder, when they see order (trees planted in a row, 20 coke cans in order) there must be an when they see this huge, beautiful, organized, and intricate creation, there must be a Creator. Look at how intricate and detailed creation is.....Did you know that the eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings, the focusing muscles move an estimated 100,000 times a day, and the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells? Did you know that the earth is so exactly perfectly set in motion that if it were to move the slightest bit out of its place to be a little closer or further from the sun we would either burn alive or freeze. Also, if the earth were to rotate any ...

No Coincidence

I was in class today and the class was busy working on a worksheet quietly when out of nowhere the professor looked up and said, "Does anyone know how many children die a day in America?" and she looked at one girl and said, "I want you to research something for many people die in America daily...and give me the results". I was speechless! I didn't know what to think, and by the time I wanted to tell her how many people died in the world a day, everyone else was talking loudly. I mean, theres no way this was coincidence....pray that God would give me time and courage to share with this professor soon. Thank you and God bless.

Sharing at Enmark

So today after my jogging class, I was driving home and noticed I was out of gas....I was on my way to Enmark (2.11/gal!) and knew that God wanted me to share with somebody there. I normally have to choose either inside or outside witnessing because I would have to block the pump taking so much time. So I told God that if He wants me to share with the clerk to give me a sign to go inside and if not I would share with the person at the next pump. So I pumped my gas and sure enough...the receipt didn't come out and the machine read, "Go see cashier"....It has never done this with me at that station and I go there all the time! So, to make sure I didn't deny God's easy ability to show me a sign I just said, "Thanks God, please prepare their hearts" and walked in with boldness. I got my receipt and handed them a tract and asked the question, "what do yall think happens after death?" to which one girl working said, Heaven somewhat rudely and t...

Giving it up and Just Meeting God

I was about to go to bed the other night when Doug told me he wanted to just chill with me and talk about what God is up to. I had been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all day and was acting as though God would waste some of my time. I have now come to the conclusion that God deserves my time...even if it means me only getting about 4 hrs of sleep, like I did last night. I think this is gonna teach me to discipline myself about all the stuff I go to and do with other people so that I can sit and just chill with God for a while each day. I don't like the term "quiet time" because its just so lame sounding....I prefer Chill Time. I think if God were to use up to date lingo, he would call it chill time. I mean, why can't we just be still and know that He is God. I also think this will strengthen my love for Him and for others. If I really put the day into perspective BEFORE it starts, I know that things will go smoother with God on His rightful...

Share with Professors

Ok, so I was thinking...who is someone we see all week long that we usually don't think to share Jesus with??? Our Professors! So, how can we do it? They have all this free office time and just sit there bored to tears probably checking assignments and looking at email and stuff. Why don't we make it our mission to shed the love of Christ upon them. They need Jesus too. I'm gonna strive to share with all my professors in office time this semester whenever I possibly can. I know, I know...our grades could suffer....but would you rather it be your grades or them (for eternity)....who knows, maybe because of your absolute love for the lost, your teacher will come to Jesus and find complete redemption and relationship with their Maker. Just a thought....anybody thought about this? May the Holy Spirit guide you this week to fulfill all He has planned through your life. May you be filled with joy and passion knowing Your Father loved and loves you enough to pay your fine and walk...

Make Witnessing A Big Deal

Hey guys, I decided to go to get some food a few minutes ago at Subway and brought in some Million dollar bill tracts. The lady working was really focused on the work so I figured its not a great time to try and talk to her. But as I was being checked out, she looked across the room and said, "I have a thousand dollar question to ask you" to which I said, "Oh really, what is it?" and she said she was talking to her friend across the room.....I then said, well...I have a million dollar question to ask you and gave her a tract. I said, where will you go when you die and she said, "Hey, someone gave me one of these at school". She said she went to a college around here and someone passes out tracts! I said, well just take a minute to read over explains how to be sure. So anyway, I walked out with my sandwich...or so I thought...this guy came walking out to my car as I was leaving and it was the guy behind me in line....he said, thats my sandwich...

Be Courageous

So I was heading to Jesup this weekend and had to stop at a gas station to get gas....when I talked with the guy at the pump across from me, I found out he was a mormon and he actually stated that he didn't have the same beliefs as I did! Most mormons will say they believe the same thing....but the truth is, they don't. Anyway, I told him about how Lee Strobel in his book "The Case for Christ", was trying to look up evidence for the Book of Mormon outside of it and could find he went to the Smithsonian Institute and asked them if there was any evidence whatsoever for the Book of Mormon to be true and they said no, there is no evidence for any of the people to have ever lived, any of the places to have ever existed, or any of the situations to have ever been authentic! Anyway, I told him this and said to go look up the evidence before you believe in something that could just determine your ETERNAL destination and he said that was true and he would. I pray th...

Nate's On Fire

At Fan Into Flame, which means at my house, Thursday night, God brought us into conversing about evangelism...and Nate, who once said that this sort of evangelism was SO wrong and just self-righteous, stood up and said that he was very wrong about that.....He said that he has found that evangelism fires up the believer to the point of a purpose for everyday of life....he got so into it that he said, "I've gotta go now" and walked out....he came back a few hours later and told an amazing story about how he had gone straight to the KA house (because hes in the frat) and parked his car to talk to folks on campus. Well they were having a party at the house and he got to share with a few of his buddies there about how horrible it is live for this life and how they need to turn to Christ....they all left....he didn't stop....he then went to the UC and talked with some guys rejected him, the other didn't.....he told the atheist who talked with him t...

Confusing Beliefs

Last night, Colby, Emily, Brad, Clay, and I went out witnessing and we had a great time seeing God work. Clay and Brad went together while Emily, Colby, and I went together. At first we ran into some people that didn't have time to talk, but then we ran into a couple of girls who had a little differing beliefs. One girl was Catholic and believed that if she were to die then she would have gone to purgatory, because she wasn't being a good enough person to go to Heaven yet. The other girl said that she didn't even know what to believe because she had grown up in church, but never really understood everything and it never really applied to her life. She had heard it before but didn't honestly believe it to be true. After sharing the whole Gospel with her and pointing out her....and the rest of the worlds...need for a Savior, she said she would go and read Psalm 51 and start reading John. She seemed to understand everything, but I wish I could have asked her what th...

Watering The Seed!

So last night, I was going by the BCM and people were playing volleyball....A friend of mine called me over to the court and said that his roommate was one of those 7-8 guys Nate and I talked to about the Lord outside of Hopper the other night. He said that after this conversation we had with him, my friend talked with him in their room for about an hour after that. Now I am glad Nate and I prayed like we did for those individuals...God is so good. My friend, the guy's roommate, said that he had been praying for something like that to happen for a while. I began wondering how we shouldn't just pray that God would send people to share with our friends, but that we would share with our friends joyously. God has placed us around these people for a reason and we should do whatever we can to spread His Word and plant it in their hearts. God is good and had this whole thing planned out. Praise God for His marvelous work and for His glorious power. There is none like Him and without H...

Phone Call Evangelism

So this past sunday night at the BCM leadership meeting, I was given information on people who had shown an interest in wanting a personal relationship with Jesus. After already planning on going out witnessing with Brad, Clay, and Sarah...the plans changed and Clay, Brad, and I decided to call these people up. The guy I first called said that he was saved back when he was 10, but that he had gotten into a little bit of partying in college and was trying to get back to God....which, as Clay and I discovered implies that he received the Word at once with joy but his plant actually had not root at all, thus no salvation, and he was pulled up. I asked him the question, why did you "accept" Jesus and go down front? To which he responded that he grew up in church and wanted to do it because he saw others do it. I asked him if he had ever at one point in his life realized that he was going to Hell for his sin if he didn't turn to Jesus, to which he answered, "No". I w...

God Provides More

Last night I got to talk with my friend Nate about the whole "witnessing" thing and he said that he wanted to try it out and see if he loved it as much as I did. We went up to the school and started walking around talking to people and God definitely was convicting hearts before our very eyes. At first Nate was a little nervous about starting up the conversation, but once he got going with it he was definitely pouring himself into it. We got to talk to a couple library workers, a guy and girl, two different groups of guys, then one big group of like 7 or 8 guys which was awesome. Nate and I ended up spliting up halfway through the night because we were talking to two separate groups of guys next to each other and God had ordained it. I went on to talk to the group of 7-8 guys and asked them the question, "What happens after death?" and got varying responses. Then when I asked where they were going, they thought I was going to kill them out there. I told them...

God Answers Prayer

So last night was great! We all prayed that the Lord would send out laborers for the harvest, as Jesus told us to, and sure enough we had more laborers for the harvest. I couldn't get over how many people told me they were either coming or would come next week to go out with us on campus. We had about 10 people going out sharing Jesus with folks and it was so amazing. We got to talk to a supposed convicted felon on the loose, a couple of girls that didn't know they could be 100% sure of their salvation, three guys who all stated they were going to Hell if they died and then wanted to repent, and a guy and girl who were totally broken over their sin and desired to know God personally....and that was only my group of three, so God is obviously doing HUGE things this semester through us. If you are reading this and are unsure of the whole "sharing your faith" thing, then I challenge you to step out there and be uncomfortable for a little bit so that Jesus' redemption...

sharing with neighbors

One of the hardest things I've realized in my Christian walk is when I come home to my family and see that our neighbors are still lost, we are the ones to share with them. The week before school started, God laid it on my heart to pray for my neighbors for an oppurtunity to share the Gospel with them. I prayed that God would allow it and sure enough, that same day my neighbor calls and says she needs me to come help her change her air filter. She has a son who in high school and a daughter in college. I went over there and my mom decided to go too. After I changed the air filter, I went up to hang out with the high school boy. We played video games for a few hours and just talked about stuff. Finally, I got up the courage to ask him...."If you died tonight, where would you go?" he said that he hoped Heaven, but wasn't sure. After that, I got to share the clear Gospel with him and he understood that he needed to turn from his sin to Jesus in order to be made r...

Mistaken People

Last night after Impact at the BCM, the two Brads and I went out witnessing to folks on campus. It was so great to see the amazing work God is doing on our campus! In almost all the conversations I had will lost people, they agreed that they needed to turn from their sin to the Savior and that they would not inherit eternal life unless they took the gift of God, which was Jesus (Rom. 6:23). One thing that really interested me however was that every single person I talked to didn't know what the word repent meant! When I asked them what they thought it meant, they all said, "ask forgiveness" when the word actually means to turn from sin to the Savior. That means if we are dishonoring God with our words, actions, where we go, what we think, how we spend our time and are walking away from God, then to repent would mean to do a 180 degree turn and to start honoring God with our words, actions, where we go, what we think, and how we spend our time and to walk toward God....thu...

My God Reigns

Its great to see how much bigger my God is compared to this world's many small 'g' gods. This past sunday night, some friends and I decided to go out sharing out faith on campus and we invited a few guys who don't normally go with us. It was great to see their obedience to God's command even though they were very uncomfortable doing this with people they have never met before. Just as normal, we prayed before talking with anyone....except for Clay, who couldn't hold it in when he saw an oppurtunity to talk with a girl about Jesus....and one of the things we prayed for and always pray for was that God would go before us and prepare the way, prepare their hearts, and soften them so that the seed of His Word could be planted there. We also prayed that God would go after us and water that seed after it has been planted and eventually bring forth the harvest in His Kairos (God's due time). The four of us that prayed then decided to split up into twos and Dea...

Being Set Apart/Sanctified

I have grown to have a passion for being set apart daily with my words and attitude and actions and overall personality. I no longer am satisfied with simply asking people how their day is and leaving them to go on without my encouragement....I am also no longer satisfied with complaining when there is something to complain about just because there is.....I also am not satisfied with laughing at things that are not pleasing to God or doing things that are not pleasing to Him either. My friend Doug has challenged me recently to not say anythign if it is not meant for edification to others. I really want to apply that to my life and to not simply live for myself and make things about me. I want to turn all my conversations to the eternal not the physical. I love the fact that I have such a great group of fellow believers who are there to help encourage me to pursue Jesus with my thoughts and words and actions. I have been struggling with a lot of different things mentally and God h...

Witnessing On Campus Rocks!

So I went with Clay and Brad the other night witnessing and we were waiting at the crosswalk to go over Oak street when 4 girls caming jogging up behind us and stopped. I decided to teach them about what life is all about for the few minutes we had. So in order to start up a Spiritual conversation I showed them my curved illusions tract. It was great way to switch to Spiritual and they soon all got into what I was talking about. They share their thoughts about God and I got to tell them what the Bible, which was the first thing to talk about the eternal God, says about God. They were all so very interested and I got to ask them if they knew if they would go to Heaven when they died. They each answered "no" and I was soon able to go through the whole law and the grace of Jesus Christ and explain to them that no Bible verse says to ask Jesus into your heart, it says to repent (turn) from your sin (the thing that separates you from God) and take up your cross daily to foll...

A new year

I write this after having been in Valdosta for only about a week and seeing God work in some amazing ways through our obedience to Him. A couple days ago I got to meet a now good friend of mine, Brad. Brad, Clay, and I had intended on going out witnessing together but it rained on campus, so we said lets go to the mall. For about 2 hours we were outside of the mall talking with people coming and going about the shortness of their life and their need for a Savior to cleanse their sins before a Holy and Just God. At one time, Clay was talking to about 15 guys about Christ and they were all paying attention. Every person I talked to was very interested and wanted to make sure that they were not leaving earth without a Savior. As the mall closed and everyone was leaving, I walked out the door of the mall and a guy behind me was talking with friends about going out partying. God told me to turn around and talk with this guy, so I did. The guy was now by himself and I was able to ask...

God Provides Oppurtunities

This week I have been at my parent's house in Atlanta and thought it would be a week of laziness and comfort, but God had other plans. I had actually kind of gotten comfortable here and thought that there would be no way for me to share with anyone about Christ because my brother has taken my car for the week....his is messed up. Today, I was listening to Mark Cahill on the internet as he challenged believers to step out and share with the lost around you and then it came...God said think of whose around you. So I did and I immediately thought, my neighbors who don't know Jesus. So God said, go and tell em because just as Ezekiel 33:1-11 states, if we don't share the guilt of their eternity will be on us believers who don't share. So I prayed for them, then walked across the street to share with them....I knocked three or four times and they didn't answer even though their cars were there. As I was coming back to my house, I noticed a FedEx bag with a box in i...

If Jesus is worth anything, He is worth EVERYTHING

My friend Clay and I talked yesterday for a long time....of course if your talking to him its gonna be long, in a good way. Anyway, he suggested to listen to the Mark Cahill message online that is called Lukewarm no more and so I did. I have gotta say it is exactly what God wanted because through God's message in which He used mark, He told me through Revelation 3:19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent." I know that I have been so lukewarm lately. I have acted as though the Christian life is a playground instead of the battlefield that it is. Everyday I've woken up this past week or so I haven't woken up to the reality of the Christian life and the urgency of the matter of eternity. By making excuses to grow lazy instead of absolutely giving the Lord every fiber of my being, I have realized that when you are outside of God's will for you not only in your life, but in that day, you will become lukewarm and will grow ...

Use Your Gift!

The past few weeks, I have not been using the gift that God has given to me. Ever since my freshmen year of college God has revealed to me that He has given me the gift of boldness in evangelism. I know that evangelism is not a gift, but a command so that is why I see that boldness in it is what He has blessed me with. As I purposed to use my gift in the beginning of college to the glory of God, many people were raised from the dead and brought into Spiritual life and many blind eyes have been opened. The more I practiced evangelism, the more I saw my knowledge of it and passion for it grow. This summer, God told me to try out this youth internship at a church to see if it is really what He wants for me to pursue because I love youth ministry as well....or did. This has been an amazing summer and I love it, but God showed me that this is not for me at all. I have a burning passion, a pumping heart, an all out raw desire to tell people straight up the Gospel. So, because of m...

his lies

My brothers and sisters, God's creatures which He created for making His name known and for showing them the depth of His love and grace are being told a lie everyday they are here on this earth. Most of my brothers and sisters are believing this thief which is trying to brainwash them into thinking that they mean nothing to anyone and that they are simply here to take up space and find pleasure for this moment before it is all gone. Satan is the liar and he is telling them that they will always be able to feel good if they just follow him and give in to the temptations which he presents. We act as though it is just our flesh but it is so much more than that! Satan is waging a war with our friends and we are just standing by and shaking our head acting as though it is their fault and their sin and they need to change. They are in a battle everyday and they don't even know who is fighting them. You see, he masquerades around like an angel of light the Bible says and every...

No training necessary

I am going to lead a group this next semester in evangelism at Valdosta State. We will be involved with showing people their sin through the law and explaining the grace that God gives once His people receive His free gift of eternal life in Jesus who died to take our sin upon Himself. Basically, what we will be doing is going out as often as we can as a group on campus and talking to people we either know or don't know about the amazingly good news of the gospel. These people have the choice to either follow the world or to follow Christ and we are simply presenting this choice to them and showing them that it is a black and white matter. We will attempt to do this with an intently listening ear and absolutely loving heart. If what we do is not out of love, it is in vain and will most likely profit nothing for the person. We will also be intent about praying hard for our campus to have soft hearts and ready ears to listen to the message of Christ. If we do not do this, we a...


so I was at a friend's lakehouse the other day and we were all in the boat talking about how the day had gone when my friend says yeah and remember when Austin did such a great job blah blah he brought me up as a topic about how good I had done tubing, I immediately felt pride come swelling up in my chest. I practically stuck my chest out and smiled as he was talking. As this happened, I thought about how foolish my heart was to act as though my simple water tubing experience proved that I was the best there ever could be. The simple fact that I was above the rest practically turned me to boasting about myself. I can really understand that verse in the Bible that says the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things because I experienced it that day. We all crave this power and position to know that others either look up to us or rely upon us and it is totally against the very nature of who we are as humans to practice humility amongst people. If anyone deserved to...

Brotherly Love

Most people I know including myself don't really follow the Bible like we say we do. When in the end of Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians, and 1 Peter the Word says to greet your brothers in Christ with a holy kiss and in many other places the Word emphasizes outwardly showing the love you have for fellow believers, why don't we do it? I know that in this day and age it is very unusual for a man to give another man a hug or to grab their shoulders while they talk to each other and it is much more comfortable to just shake the hand and pat the back to say hello, but if we really do care about one another then why do we often act like their just any other random guy to us? I have never seen guys so excited to see each other and love so outwardly shown when greeting one another as I have when I helped out with the Kairos prison ministry at the maximum security prison this past year. As about 40 of us volunteers lined up on one side of the prison gym right near ...

Be Strong and Courageous

I was reading Joshua today and noticed that God tells him to be strong and courageous 4 times in 1 chapter and one of those times, He spoke through the very people Joshua was to lead! The third time God straight up tells Joshua, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; don't be afraid nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Saying that sounds like God could see Joshua's heart and knew he was afraid, so God is like, "Are you not listening to me? I am with you! Man up!" I can't tell you how many times in so many different places and situations God has commanded me to go way out of my comfort zone for Him. Every time, I get all scared and think the worst will happen and God has to remind me, just like He did to Joshua, to be strong because He is with me. I mean, its kind of ridiculous to be scared when the very God of ALL creation dwells within you and goes before you and behind you AND with you everywhere you...


Here is where I'm gonna post a bunch of questions I have always wondered, but never asked.... Should we, as followers of Jesus, be so focused on Him that we don't care about the schedule sunday and just worship Him or should we be focused on making sure the schedule is just right Sunday so that we can create the best atmoshpere for worship? Should we, as followers of Jesus, be more worried about sharing Jesus the best possible way so that people understand and see our love, or desire to share Him before time runs out so much that we tell everyone we know whenever we can? Should we be care about how adequately we disciple new believers or is adequately sharing Christ and letting them understand what it takes to follow Him enough without it? Should we have "invitations" in every church service for nonbelievers to receive Jesus or will the worship/the Word be enough to draw them to the Father? Should we be more focused on edifying the body or on reaching the lost or is i...

Like a vapor

I got a call from my mom the other day and she told me that her old friend from the neighborhood was recently diagnosed with cancer and was only given about 2 weeks to live and she is unsure if the woman knows the LORD GOD personally. Then a call about five minutes later was my mother again and she said, she has now been told that if she lives past 7 days she will be lucky. Last night I talked with my mom again and she told me she went to go visit Tony, the woman with cancer, and got to see first hand what this disease had done to her. As Tony lay there, she was apparently paralyzed throughout most of her body, but still had a huge smile on her face when her old friends from the neighborhood a few years back came to see her. My mom said from the second she walked in the door, she knew Tony was born again. She told her three good friends that there will be no crying in the hospital room, because she is about to go be with her Daddy. As one woman was fighting back the tears, she f...

Seminary or no?

I got a call from my good buddy Doug, also my roommate the other day....actually I called him, anyway we talked about visiting Southeastern Baptist Seminary this week. So now that I have all this free time and have already prepared for wednesday's lesson for the youth, I was checkin SEBTS out online. There are a lot of really cool things about it now that I look at it. I really wish I would've just looked for a few minutes, but it has become my whole day. Now it is like I don't know if I should or shouldn't go to seminary. I mean I know that if I go I will hopefully grow a lot and become more knowledgeable about God and His Word, but shouldn't I also be filled with a desire to get out there and spread His Word everyday and not be in need of some certificate to tell me I can do it. I mean, life is short and people need to hear the Word. So what if God wants me in Africa right now and here I am in this little American seminary for like 4 years? I don't wan...

Much Is Required of Me

So I was thinking the other day about how I am overly blessed...or should I say cursed? It almost seems like a curse at times the blessings I have because I take them all for granite and choose to live the life of a couch potato and sometimes just tan in the light of all my shiny things....basically making them gods to me instead of worshipping the one true God. God threw a verse at me that says, "To whom much is given, much is required." So after thinking on this for a while the situation of my blessings was laid bare and I saw it all as it should be. God has blessed me with a family of believers waiting for me when I showed up back in 84, also with a loving family in a upper middle class home and life, a chance to hear His Word everyday, plenty of food, friends, college, jobs, clothes, cars, cell phones, playstations, tvs, guitars, new shoes, and the list goes on and on. I take about 98% of all these things for granite everyday. I must learn to show thankfulness and gratitu...

Uncomfortable Living

I went to Centrifuge with the youth group a few weeks ago and came upon a very awing word from God. There are several tracks to choose from and mine was Messy Games, which involved slip n sliding down a slide with chocolate, and syrup, and all other kinds of stuff on it. As the track came to a close, I washed off and was about to walk up the hill to my dorm when I noticed that there was a bunch of leftover ice cream buckets and syrup bottles and other nasty trash all over the field with only one girl left to clean it all up. I immediately thought in my mind, "well, thats a bummer" without even wanting to go help her. As I turned to climb the hill, God hit me with a statement: "The Christian life is meant to be uncomfortable, not comfortable." I stopped and turned around to clean up all the trash pieces with her and learned a lot through that experience. In my life, I am so used to taking the comfortable route and always escaping those uncomfortable situati...

India- His nation

Hey Yall, this is a super long email that I wrote to BSU collegiate missions about India. If ya wonder what happened over there...Read it!: The India trip was SO Amazing! One of the greatest things that God taught me through the trip was just how much bigger He was than just the U.S. God showed me that there are many different kinds of people He has created and they each have a yearning in their hearts for something more than just this world. God has placed eternity in men's hearts (Eccl. 3:11). The first night we showed up in Mumbai as we rushed onto our van and out of the airport I couldn't get over how TOTALLY different from the US their culture was. Flying past cars and driving on the left side of the road with no care in the world for the lines which were clearly marked. As I stooped to look out the window (because of the amount of people in such a small van I had to stand) all I saw as we flew through the dimly light streets was hundreds of people sleepi...