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Giving it up and Just Meeting God

I was about to go to bed the other night when Doug told me he wanted to just chill with me and talk about what God is up to. I had been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all day and was acting as though God would waste some of my time. I have now come to the conclusion that God deserves my time...even if it means me only getting about 4 hrs of sleep, like I did last night. I think this is gonna teach me to discipline myself about all the stuff I go to and do with other people so that I can sit and just chill with God for a while each day. I don't like the term "quiet time" because its just so lame sounding....I prefer Chill Time. I think if God were to use up to date lingo, he would call it chill time. I mean, why can't we just be still and know that He is God. I also think this will strengthen my love for Him and for others. If I really put the day into perspective BEFORE it starts, I know that things will go smoother with God on His rightful throne in my heart. I wanna do whatever I can tonight to keep God on His throne and me on my knees at His feet. I feel like God is wanting me to let go of a lot of things and just give them up. I mean, how can I continue to live like a sinner if I know that Christ has redeemed my heart? The Bible says some scary things about people like me who do this...even if its behind closed doors...I don't want to even risk a thing when it comes to being right with God and close to Him at all times. May God bless and keep whoever reads this stuff.


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