Last night, Colby, Emily, Brad, Clay, and I went out witnessing and we had a great time seeing God work. Clay and Brad went together while Emily, Colby, and I went together. At first we ran into some people that didn't have time to talk, but then we ran into a couple of girls who had a little differing beliefs. One girl was Catholic and believed that if she were to die then she would have gone to purgatory, because she wasn't being a good enough person to go to Heaven yet. The other girl said that she didn't even know what to believe because she had grown up in church, but never really understood everything and it never really applied to her life. She had heard it before but didn't honestly believe it to be true. After sharing the whole Gospel with her and pointing out her....and the rest of the worlds...need for a Savior, she said she would go and read Psalm 51 and start reading John. She seemed to understand everything, but I wish I could have asked her what that truth meant to her heart. Anyway, she said she was interested in coming to the Bible study group that meets at my house once a week. Next, we talked with a guy I had talked to a week ago and he said that he was still living in the sin and was on his way to sin more and that he was having a baby, but wasn't emotionally ready. As we talked with him some more, I feel that God worked on his heart and he was very glad to have seen us. We later talked with a girl who had some interesting beliefs. She stated that she was going to Heaven and she said that her brother had died about a year ago in an accident and he was very religious. She said that anyone can go to Heaven if they just want to go. So I said, so everybody is going then right? and she said no, that some people want to go to Hell. I was a little shocked at this, but I kept going. She stated that everyone knows when they are going to die and when I questioned this, she said that several people have left notes behind even though they didn't know they were dying that day. I now wonder, why didn't they go somewhere else and not towards the place they knew they would die? but this didn't help her to understand God's plan, so I explained to her the Gospel and her need for the Savior....she was in a bit of a hurry, but was very interested in what we were talking about. I pray that she will realize her need for Christ and turn to Him in absolute surrender. Colby and I then talked to a guy who said he didn't want to talk about salvation so I was going to give him a tract, but he was going to throw it away, so I didn't....I informed him that everybody has to face death someday and that we should all be ready for it before it comes, but he just didn't understand. This was just heart-breaking....the guy had nothing else to do and was just sitting there, but he refused to face something that he will one day have to. I pray that he is convicted and turns to the Lord with his whole heart to find that God alone provided a way for his redemption in Christ. God is good and is doing a lot on this campus, but He wants to use us to fulfill His plan.
What is the Sabbath? Why did God include keeping the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments? Does the Bible call Christians today to keep the Sabbath? Should believers do any work on the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday? Does any of this matter? These are all questions that the Bible answers for us, although there are a variety of different practices among churchgoers. It must first be noted that the keeping of the Sabbath was commanded by God Himself to the people of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness. God wanted His people to so reflect His holy character that He called them to rest from their work as He rested from the work of creation (Ex. 20:8-11). As He often does, God had called Israel to do the opposite of what common sense states. To take a day off of work is seen by many to be contrary to good productivity, but in the Lord's economy, it shows true success. By resting on the Sabbath day, Israel was publicly declaring to God their faith in His ability t...