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In this sermon Jesus teaches that his kingdom people are different, then reveals how being different is actually the way he has designed us to impact the tasteless and darkened world we live in. As Christians, we can only fulfill our purpose in life by being "other than" the world in which we live. A Christian who hides their faith or fits in too closely with the world around them is like a tasteless salt or a lamp under a basket. We must shine out the difference Christ has made in us, for it is the greatest way we can impact lost people around us.
In this sermon Jesus teaches that his kingdom people are different, then reveals how being different is actually the way he has designed us to impact the tasteless and darkened world we live in. As Christians, we can only fulfill our purpose in life by being "other than" the world in which we live. A Christian who hides their faith or fits in too closely with the world around them is like a tasteless salt or a lamp under a basket. We must shine out the difference Christ has made in us, for it is the greatest way we can impact lost people around us.