At Fan Into Flame, which means at my house, Thursday night, God brought us into conversing about evangelism...and Nate, who once said that this sort of evangelism was SO wrong and just self-righteous, stood up and said that he was very wrong about that.....He said that he has found that evangelism fires up the believer to the point of a purpose for everyday of life....he got so into it that he said, "I've gotta go now" and walked out....he came back a few hours later and told an amazing story about how he had gone straight to the KA house (because hes in the frat) and parked his car to talk to folks on campus. Well they were having a party at the house and he got to share with a few of his buddies there about how horrible it is live for this life and how they need to turn to Christ....they all left....he didn't stop....he then went to the UC and talked with some guys rejected him, the other didn't.....he told the atheist who talked with him to read a book on the evidence for Christianity by Josh McDowell, then gave him $30 bucks to go get this point a car pulled up with a guy who came out drinking a beer...he got to share with him and the guy said he was a Christian to which Nate said, "Go read Galatians 5" and wrote it down on a piece of paper to give him. It is very awesome seeing God transform believers this semester to reach the lost like never before.
What is the Sabbath? Why did God include keeping the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments? Does the Bible call Christians today to keep the Sabbath? Should believers do any work on the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday? Does any of this matter? These are all questions that the Bible answers for us, although there are a variety of different practices among churchgoers. It must first be noted that the keeping of the Sabbath was commanded by God Himself to the people of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness. God wanted His people to so reflect His holy character that He called them to rest from their work as He rested from the work of creation (Ex. 20:8-11). As He often does, God had called Israel to do the opposite of what common sense states. To take a day off of work is seen by many to be contrary to good productivity, but in the Lord's economy, it shows true success. By resting on the Sabbath day, Israel was publicly declaring to God their faith in His ability t...