So I was just chilling at the house and decided to walk outside and look up at the stars that my Maker made out of nothing. I played some music for my King with my guitar to enjoy and praised His holy name for saving me from Hell for all of eternity and for being the great God He was and is and is to come. As I looked up at all the lights that shine down from outside of our atmosphere I focused in on one star. Or so I thought was a star. I then remembered back when I was a kid in school learning that if a star twinkles, then it is a planet. I noticed that when this one twinkled, it was red in color so it could've been Mars. I then started looking around at all the other ones that twinkled and was amazed at how many I noticed. I wonder how many stars and planets you can see from those planets....and from those....and from those.....etc. So God is huge right? I mean if the closest star is several light years away and light travels at around 186,000 miles per second. Yeah, God is big. I am glad that my God is the One who made it all and the One who made me totally unique and different from every other human being ever to exist. Also to think that this God wrote me a letter to read while on this pilgrimage He has put me on until I get to see Him again. I hate the fact that many of my friends have not been reconciled to their Maker and will NEVER see Him....that just eats me alive, scratch SHOULD eat me alive, but I tend to focus on my own walk with God and not theirs when I should be on my knees crying out to their Maker for them. I can't believe God is so big and can sqwash me like a bug for not obeying Him and pleading with His people (2 Cor. 5:17-?) to be reconciled to Him and yet He trusts me to get the Word out. I've got neighbors that I know don't know Him and therefore won't be with Him for eternity and God has placed me around them to tell them about who He is and why they need Him. I wanna live like Paul who absolutely feared God. I think when I finally see the King in all His glory, I will understand what He really means when He says to fear Him. But now that I am here on this earth I should take His Word for it....I mean were talking about the God who made all those stars and planets out there that even the smartest scientists can't count.....and never will.
What is the Sabbath? Why did God include keeping the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments? Does the Bible call Christians today to keep the Sabbath? Should believers do any work on the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday? Does any of this matter? These are all questions that the Bible answers for us, although there are a variety of different practices among churchgoers. It must first be noted that the keeping of the Sabbath was commanded by God Himself to the people of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness. God wanted His people to so reflect His holy character that He called them to rest from their work as He rested from the work of creation (Ex. 20:8-11). As He often does, God had called Israel to do the opposite of what common sense states. To take a day off of work is seen by many to be contrary to good productivity, but in the Lord's economy, it shows true success. By resting on the Sabbath day, Israel was publicly declaring to God their faith in His ability t...