I went to Centrifuge with the youth group a few weeks ago and came upon a very awing word from God. There are several tracks to choose from and mine was Messy Games, which involved slip n sliding down a slide with chocolate, and syrup, and all other kinds of stuff on it. As the track came to a close, I washed off and was about to walk up the hill to my dorm when I noticed that there was a bunch of leftover ice cream buckets and syrup bottles and other nasty trash all over the field with only one girl left to clean it all up. I immediately thought in my mind, "well, thats a bummer" without even wanting to go help her. As I turned to climb the hill, God hit me with a statement: "The Christian life is meant to be uncomfortable, not comfortable." I stopped and turned around to clean up all the trash pieces with her and learned a lot through that experience.
In my life, I am so used to taking the comfortable route and always escaping those uncomfortable situations, that I had missed out on the whole ideal of servanthood....humility. I have become so comfortable with the uncomfortable that every time a situation arises for me to be uncomfortable for God's glory, I think it is not from God. We were chosen by God to be different, but are we if we don't do the total opposite of this world. If we don't have true servant hearts, do we really even "follow Jesus"? Jesus said that if you love Him, you will obey Him. If Jesus bases love on obedience, we are all in big trouble. Every time I now find myself in an uncomfortable situation in following Christ, I embrace it. We should not just moan and groan through it....we should live the way Jesus did and absolutely give ourselves for this world to know the Father. We should become comfortable being totally uncomfortable. It is all about giving our own pleasure, for God to have the pleasure.