I have grown to have a passion for being set apart daily with my words and attitude and actions and overall personality. I no longer am satisfied with simply asking people how their day is and leaving them to go on without my encouragement....I am also no longer satisfied with complaining when there is something to complain about just because there is.....I also am not satisfied with laughing at things that are not pleasing to God or doing things that are not pleasing to Him either. My friend Doug has challenged me recently to not say anythign if it is not meant for edification to others. I really want to apply that to my life and to not simply live for myself and make things about me. I want to turn all my conversations to the eternal not the physical. I love the fact that I have such a great group of fellow believers who are there to help encourage me to pursue Jesus with my thoughts and words and actions. I have been struggling with a lot of different things mentally and God has given me victory over those through my brothers and sisters in Christ. I feel that if it weren't for these great friends, I would not have grown at all in the Lord since I got here. I am praying that God will continue to work in each of our hearts and that He will set each of us aside from the world so that we stand out in everything....I really want people to beg the question, "what is different about you?" and really find out that I have been totally redeemed of my former life with sin.
What is the Sabbath? Why did God include keeping the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments? Does the Bible call Christians today to keep the Sabbath? Should believers do any work on the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday? Does any of this matter? These are all questions that the Bible answers for us, although there are a variety of different practices among churchgoers. It must first be noted that the keeping of the Sabbath was commanded by God Himself to the people of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness. God wanted His people to so reflect His holy character that He called them to rest from their work as He rested from the work of creation (Ex. 20:8-11). As He often does, God had called Israel to do the opposite of what common sense states. To take a day off of work is seen by many to be contrary to good productivity, but in the Lord's economy, it shows true success. By resting on the Sabbath day, Israel was publicly declaring to God their faith in His ability t...