Today I read: 1 Kings 22, Psalm 45, Daniel 4, and 1 Thessalonians 5.
Gospel summary: God is the King of kings and Lord of lords and he sovereignly orchestrates the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms for the glory of his name alone. We must live in the fear of God at all times, knowing that he will soon return like a thief in the night to judge all men. We must beware of people saying, "There is peace and security" and "Everything is fine...there is no judgment to come and no God to judge" and only listen to the true Word of God which warns us to live godly lives before his return, trusting in his Son.
Prayer: Sovereign King of the heavens and the earth, you alone are worthy of all glory and honor and praise. Although now it seems men rule the world, teach me to see them as being guided by you the great King of kings to accomplish your purposes of saving a people for your praise. I thank you for saving me and bringing me into the light to be your child. As I go through this world with so many offers of pleasure without any warning of a judgment, fill my mind with the truth of your Word that testifies of the soon return of Christ to judge all and so let me ever live sober-minded and stable in this unstable world. Spare me from the temptation to heed the voice of the world and only speak to the world what pleases people. May a biblical worldview allow me to see the folly of false teachers and give me a boldness to preach the truth of your Word even though I be the only one among hundreds and may face persecution for it. Help me see it is far better to have heaven on my side and the world against me than to have a world of sinners for me and an eternal Judge against me. Thank you for all your grace and for communing with me, o King of the nations. In your name I pray King Jesus, amen.
Hymn: "The Victor" by Thomas Kelly
The head that once was crowned with thorns
Is crowned with glory now;
A royal diadem adorns
The mighty Victor's brow.
The highest place that heav'n affords
Is His by sov'reign right,
The King of kings and Lord of lords,
And heav'n's eternal light.
The joy of all who dwell above,
The joy of all below
To whom He manifests His love,
And grants His Name to know.
To them the cross, with all its shame,
With all its grace, is giv'n:
Their name an everlasting name,
Their joy the joy of heav'n.
They suffer with their Lord below,
They reign with Him above;
Their profit and their joy to know
The myst'ry of His love.
The cross He bore is life and health,
Tho' shame and death to Him;
His people's hope, His people's wealth,
Their everlasting theme.
Is crowned with glory now;
A royal diadem adorns
The mighty Victor's brow.
The highest place that heav'n affords
Is His by sov'reign right,
The King of kings and Lord of lords,
And heav'n's eternal light.
The joy of all who dwell above,
The joy of all below
To whom He manifests His love,
And grants His Name to know.
To them the cross, with all its shame,
With all its grace, is giv'n:
Their name an everlasting name,
Their joy the joy of heav'n.
They suffer with their Lord below,
They reign with Him above;
Their profit and their joy to know
The myst'ry of His love.
The cross He bore is life and health,
Tho' shame and death to Him;
His people's hope, His people's wealth,
Their everlasting theme.