Today I read: 1 Kings 21, Psalm 44, Daniel 3, and 1 Thessalonians 4.
Gospel Summary: In this world, believers are destined for persecution, but God will see to it that His children are vindicated and rescued and that all their unrepentant persecutors will be justly condemned either in this life or at the return of Christ.
Prayer: Father in heaven, I am humbled by the fact that you are not only on my side, but you will rescue me from all the persecution I face and punish my unrepentant persecutors. I have no refuge other than you and have come to know that all earthly helps are nothing to boast in. Help me, Father, to so live for you in this world that non-believers notice the difference in me, because this world is full of temptations and snares to keep me living a worldly life. Help me also Father to endure the persecutions I must face with the steadfast hope of your coming certain redemption. Grant that I may see that no threat I face, no pain I am inflicted, and no loss I take will go un-rewarded, for you my God will reward your faithful saints in glory. Grant that I may live with Christ's return on my mind and heart, so that you may turn every cross into a crown and every pain into a pleasure. For the glory of your name alone Jesus, who bore the wrath of God so I could bear His grace, amen.
Hymn: "Looking to Christ" by Cathy Simmons
See the Christian, battle weary,
Wounded on the field of life;
As he prays the foe is nearing,
Armed with bitterness for strife:
Let me see the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith;
Word of Life, come and restore me,
I need Thine abundant grace!
Then a ray of hope from heaven
Catches up his downcast eyes;
Strength returns as light is given--
So to look at Christ on High.
Now I see the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith;
View of Life, my soul restoring,
Fills me with abundant grace!
Night has come, and fiercest fighting
Rages hard on ev'ry hand;
Yet the vision, still abiding,
Makes the joyful Christian stand.
Looking to the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith--
Truth and Life I see before me
Giving more abundant grace!
Thus he greets the morn' victorious,
More than conqu'ror of the foe;
Thro' the sight he has of Jesus
Overcoming death and woe.
Look unto the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of our faith;
Peace of God, our souls restoring,
Has for us abundant grace!
Wounded on the field of life;
As he prays the foe is nearing,
Armed with bitterness for strife:
Let me see the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith;
Word of Life, come and restore me,
I need Thine abundant grace!
Then a ray of hope from heaven
Catches up his downcast eyes;
Strength returns as light is given--
So to look at Christ on High.
Now I see the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith;
View of Life, my soul restoring,
Fills me with abundant grace!
Night has come, and fiercest fighting
Rages hard on ev'ry hand;
Yet the vision, still abiding,
Makes the joyful Christian stand.
Looking to the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of my faith--
Truth and Life I see before me
Giving more abundant grace!
Thus he greets the morn' victorious,
More than conqu'ror of the foe;
Thro' the sight he has of Jesus
Overcoming death and woe.
Look unto the Christ of glory,
The Blest Author of our faith;
Peace of God, our souls restoring,
Has for us abundant grace!