Today I read: 1 Chronicles 5-6, Psalm 85, Amos 4, Hebrews 10.
Gospel summary: We who were rebels against God have been redeemed by the blood of his only Son and that one sacrifice has perfected us before God in a way none of our own efforts could have done.
Prayer: O God of such extravagant grace, glory be to your name for giving me a perfect status before you by faith in the finished work of Christ alone. I thank you that you are not waiting for me to add up my own righteousness here on earth, but that you have already fulfilled all righteousness on my behalf, for I could never come close to the demands of your perfect holiness unless you meet them for me. Thank you for purchasing for me not only my redemption, but also my confident entrance into communion with you and direct access into your awesome presence by the blood of Christ. For this entrance to your throne of grace in prayer I am humbled to the dust. Help me to use the amazing privilege you have won for me and regularly seek you in prayer. Teach me to view others without the Savior as hopeless and lifeless until you breathe on them the wind of your Spirit and cause them to walk in your ways, so that I may pray for them and evangelize them until they know your grace too. In Jesus' name, amen.
Memory verses: "For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified."(Hebrews 10:14 ESV)
Hymn: "Church of God, Beloved and Chosen" by France's Havergal
Church of God, beloved and chosen,
Church of Christ, for whom He died,
Claim thy gifts and praise thy Giver,
Ye are washed and sanctified.
Sanctified by God the Father,
And by Jesus Christ His Son,
And by God the Holy Spirit,
Holy, Holy Three in One.
By His will He sanctifieth,
By the Spirit's pow'r within;
By the loving hand that chast'neth,
Fruits of righteousness to win;
By His truth and by His promise,
By the Word, His gift unpriced,
By His blood and by our union
With the risen life of Christ.
Holiness by faith in Jesus,
Not by effort of thine own;
Sin's dominion crushed and broken
By the pow'r of grace alone;
God's own holiness within thee,
His own beauty on thy brow--
This shall be thy pilgrim brightness,
This thy blessed portion now.
He will sanctify thee wholly;
Body, spirit, soul shall be
Blameless till thy Saviour's coming
In His glorious majesty!
He hath perfected forever
Those whom He hath sanctified;
Spotless, glorious and holy
Is the Church, His chosen bride.
Church of Christ, for whom He died,
Claim thy gifts and praise thy Giver,
Ye are washed and sanctified.
Sanctified by God the Father,
And by Jesus Christ His Son,
And by God the Holy Spirit,
Holy, Holy Three in One.
By His will He sanctifieth,
By the Spirit's pow'r within;
By the loving hand that chast'neth,
Fruits of righteousness to win;
By His truth and by His promise,
By the Word, His gift unpriced,
By His blood and by our union
With the risen life of Christ.
Holiness by faith in Jesus,
Not by effort of thine own;
Sin's dominion crushed and broken
By the pow'r of grace alone;
God's own holiness within thee,
His own beauty on thy brow--
This shall be thy pilgrim brightness,
This thy blessed portion now.
He will sanctify thee wholly;
Body, spirit, soul shall be
Blameless till thy Saviour's coming
In His glorious majesty!
He hath perfected forever
Those whom He hath sanctified;
Spotless, glorious and holy
Is the Church, His chosen bride.