Today I read: 1 Chronicles 9-10, Psalms 87-88, Amos 6, Hebrews 12.
Gospel summary: The only way to be secure from the snares of falling away is to live by faith in the gospel of Christ. This faith is a reverential awe in the power, person, and grace of God given freely to us in Christ.
Prayer: Father in heaven, you are a consuming fire and a terribly awesome God who is to be feared, and how much more should I fear you for the unthinkably good news of the gospel to such an unworthy worm as I. I so often live as though your gospel is just a ho–hum, been-there-done-that sort of thing and it often isn't news at all to my cold hard. Teach me the wonder and glory of the gospel afresh so that my heart may be in constant awe-filled worship before your cross. Spare me from the peril of breaking faith with you and the punishment to fall on those who do. As I reflect upon your gospel and cling to it more each moment of every day, mold me into your Son's image more and more until I finally behold his face in glory. Give me a heart to reach those who do not live by faith in you, so they may come to see the wonder of your gospel, and that by seeing it, they may savor it. In Christ's name I pray, amen.
Memory verses: "Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:28-29 ESV)
Hymn: "Far Above All" by Horace E. Govan
"Far above all" is our Saviour enthroned;
Crowned is the Lamb who for sinners atoned;
Living forever to list to our call,
God hath exalted Him "far above all."
"Far above all!" "far above all!"
Jesus the Crucified, "far above all!"
Low at His footstool adoring we fall,
God hath exalted Him "far above all."
When the fierce tempest, uplifting its waves,
Seeks to engulf us, we cry and He saves;
Looking to Jesus, upheld by His hand,
Tread we the billows as safe as on land.
High are the cities that dare our assault,
Strong are the barriers that call us to halt;
March we on fearless, and down they must fall,
Vanquished by faith in Him "far above all."
His is the kingdom from pole unto pole;
"Far above all" while the ages shall roll;
With Him the victors, who followed His call,
Share in His royalty "far above all."
Crowned is the Lamb who for sinners atoned;
Living forever to list to our call,
God hath exalted Him "far above all."
"Far above all!" "far above all!"
Jesus the Crucified, "far above all!"
Low at His footstool adoring we fall,
God hath exalted Him "far above all."
When the fierce tempest, uplifting its waves,
Seeks to engulf us, we cry and He saves;
Looking to Jesus, upheld by His hand,
Tread we the billows as safe as on land.
High are the cities that dare our assault,
Strong are the barriers that call us to halt;
March we on fearless, and down they must fall,
Vanquished by faith in Him "far above all."
His is the kingdom from pole unto pole;
"Far above all" while the ages shall roll;
With Him the victors, who followed His call,
Share in His royalty "far above all."