The term atheist means someone who denies the existence of God, whereas the term agnostic means that person holds the theory that God is unknown or unknowable. When you share with an atheist, think logically. Ask them if when they see a painting they know there is a painter, when they see a building they know there is a builder, when they see order (trees planted in a row, 20 coke cans in order) there must be an when they see this huge, beautiful, organized, and intricate creation, there must be a Creator. Look at how intricate and detailed creation is.....Did you know that the eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings, the focusing muscles move an estimated 100,000 times a day, and the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells? Did you know that the earth is so exactly perfectly set in motion that if it were to move the slightest bit out of its place to be a little closer or further from the sun we would either burn alive or freeze. Also, if the earth were to rotate any ...
The overflow of one sinner's heart transformed by the gospel of God's grace in Christ.