So I was just chilling at the house and decided to walk outside and look up at the stars that my Maker made out of nothing. I played some music for my King with my guitar to enjoy and praised His holy name for saving me from Hell for all of eternity and for being the great God He was and is and is to come. As I looked up at all the lights that shine down from outside of our atmosphere I focused in on one star. Or so I thought was a star. I then remembered back when I was a kid in school learning that if a star twinkles, then it is a planet. I noticed that when this one twinkled, it was red in color so it could've been Mars. I then started looking around at all the other ones that twinkled and was amazed at how many I noticed. I wonder how many stars and planets you can see from those planets....and from those....and from those.....etc. So God is huge right? I mean if the closest star is several light years away and light travels at around 186,000 miles per second. Yeah, G...
The overflow of one sinner's heart transformed by the gospel of God's grace in Christ.