Scripture: Psalms 116-117, Romans 2. Gospel Summary: God gave us his law, a reflection of his holy character, to expose our inherent sinfulness, then seeing we could not neet its demands, came in Christ to meet them on our behalf and attributes this righteousness to all who come in faith to Jesus. Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for fulfilling your law's demands on my behalf in Christ. Thank you for applying your Son's righteousness to my heart by the Holy Spirit. I know that if I did have the power to keep your law without your aide it would make me arrogant and cause me to look down at others who weren't as good as me. Instead you have saved me in such a way that I am deeply humbled by your grace and have a deep compassion for others to experience the gift-righteousness of Christ too. Help me to live in overwhelming shock and joy at your saving of sinners and to reach others with this life-giving news. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Hymn: "A Debtor to Me...
The overflow of one sinner's heart transformed by the gospel of God's grace in Christ.