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Showing posts from September, 2014

9/21- "Ask, Seek, Knock"- Matthew 7:7-11

Click here to listen to this sermon In this text, Jesus commands us to pray from a posture of a loving God who knows what is best for us. His loving command is also a call to persistence in prayer with the promised result that God will hear and give us good things. As redeemed children of God adopted into His family through Christ, we are reminded that our God desires nothing more than to provide us with what we need to glorify Him.

9/14 -"Don't Judge Me…Wrongly" -Matthew 7:1-6

Click here to listen to this sermon Jesus warns us against the over-critical and judgmental spirit that we can have towards others at times, reminding us that we will be judged by a just and holy God on the last Day and we all deserve His condemnation, but He has graciously condemned His Son in the place of sinners. Then, after dealing with our tendency to sin by being overly critical, Jesus also warns us of being overly gracious with the holy truth of the gospel in situations where people repeatedly despise and reject its truth. We must learn to be both rich in mercy and rich in discernment to truly judge properly.

9/7 -"The Worry-Free Life" -Matthew 6:25-34

Click here to listen to this sermon In this text, Jesus calls us away from the self-centered life of worry to a life of faith in God's faithful provision, fatherly love, and future grace. Because God is our faithful Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, worry is actually a rejection of His loving act on the cross and a denial of His sovereignty over us and compassion towards us.

8/31 -"How to Build Eternal Wealth" -Matthew 6:19-24

Click here to listen to this sermon In this sermon, our Lord Jesus teaches us the way not to waste our lives. He tells us that to waste our lives is to treasure/value/worship the things of this earth-bound, 80-or-something year life. He then tells us that to have true everlasting life, we should be about building our lives around Him and see that He is infinitely more valuable than the fleeting stuff of this life. By living for God's glory in our current earth-bound lives, we are storing up treasures and riches that will await us in eternity. Bottom line: If we treasure stuff more than God, we'll have neither for eternity. If we treasure God more than stuff, we'll enjoy both for all eternity.